NNRG-Negative Energy. Annihilates on contact with energy and removes sparks. Teleports matter under certain conditions. (Further/Hidden Details: Annihilates on contact with PROT, PHOT, and ELEC. Lowers life of VIBR and BVBR, lowers the state of LITH, destroys BTRY and BRAY, puts out fires, brings temperature of anything it touches(or nearby ambient temperature) closer to -273.15. Life starts at 1000, it disappears at 0. When the life of NNRG is set above 2000, it acts like WARP until it decays.)
3rd Suggestion: ELCR or Element Creator. When you click it, it will open with many options like: Element Name, Element Colour, Matter (Liquid, Solid, Gas, Anti, etc), Radioactive, Fusion (Optional), melting & Evaporating point, etc. Once it's saved, the element will be ONLY in your local (Mod) file.
the mod trashed my laptop
@The_Expert1234 you can make SPAG with SOAP
some other superconductor abbreviation options: SUPC, SPCN
SPAG Spaghetti... Put it on "Special" Section
SPCD: Superconductor, behaves like INST when very cold. formed when BREL,NTCT, BRMT, and OXYG are combined at high temperature. very brittle
Amogus (AMGS) Very sus version of STKM. May be an imposter that will attack crewmates and normal STKM.
@-EVA01- If you want, start a forum thread and I can guide you through it.