gets DRUNK by drinking PASTE, needs FOOD and OXYGEN to survive, auto-breathes if not hurt, DIES FOREVER if perma-death is enabled, LEAVE YOUR SUGGESTIONS IN COMENTS, credit to Loadstar for body v5 & MAS2015 for the brain
dang he is WEAK
Tptnoob, no, he dies at 71. Just wait for his heart to die.
dies at 90F ambient heat
Atmospheric heat kills him?
Still not the worst thing i've done to my man.
The wax along his stomach kept melting / breaking. I fixed it multiple times, then it broke. He was intensly pooping out POLONIUM, BLOOD, and molten wax.
BRO. I was simulating him having "Drugs" (polo). It was super hard to revive him. He then started having radiation posion. He had uncontrollable bowel bleeds and he peed out blood every second. I tried to fix him but it wouln't work: The part that controlled his eyesight MELTED, so he was blinded. He finally died when the brain just melted... Don't do drugs, kid! Especially Polonium. I_am_the_NugsWorld, DON'T DO IT
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If you don't have any more blood to give him, use salt water. It makes him healthier, and still sparks and works like blood. You can replace all the blood with SALT WATER, and fromw hat I know, he's fine.