The K-scale is a series of acurate test meant to describe a azurebombs strength with numbers and stats. Submit your azurebombs and tell me their scores.
this scale is definitely the best one to date by far but ill see if i can do better
ill soon make my own scale and maybe go back to making azures
I don't see a problem with the tests, though a bigger size would probably be better. With your bomb problems, I think GBMB can help prevent it, along with just having a lot of WARP. BCLN (WARP) could help too.
there is one big problem, most bombs use LIGH to travel their warp to specific parts of the save, but the thing is in here everything is too small so my warp just ends up getting stuck on top also in alot of tests it hits the particle limit making my bomb weaker although only by a little
One thing I just discovered: My SPRK (LIGH) is hurting my bomb speed significantly, removing it could help by 0.3 speed.
@kreeeprr, TEACH ME THE WAYS...
id:2922596 gets a 9.3 which is cool i guess, definitely needs something but im not sure what else to add
This may need more work. Id:2922385 gets 0.15, even though Upended-Evo would do better on plenty of other tests.
how bro
ID:2921040 gets only 1.0.