Finally after a long wait Bunker Wall V4 is done. This version updates the dray replicator to a subframe system. Also another alloy was added to the bunker between the gravity repulsers and the prot aborbtion generator. credit to VIBR.
@kreeeprr BOMB
some crazy stuff pros use and cray / dray
@kreeeprr You can destroy void.
Well the problem with void is its unbreakable and deletes particles. Which is waaayyy to cheaty for this type of bunker. Although I do have aonther class of bunkers called my cheat bunkers where i can really use what ever i want excluding dmnd and most walls. For this bunker i could add a stick man if i surround him in oxy or watr. Then i need a way to keep dray bombs from reaching him.
@kreeeprr Void gets rid of most ligh I think.
i just finished fixing some bugs
i could yes, but if i made a single gap ligh would bypass the wall.
Could you move the wall up and put a target like goo or a sticjman?