This is for all the nationroleplays(if they want to be part of this. You can make your own planet systems/regions if you want. NOTE: This IS NOT THE SAME AS A NATIONWIDE.
News: The C.a Have reached the S1-1 system!
Kolinski: what would be funny?
hey do you what would be funny?
nah, we're good for now, CA is a type 1.1 civilisation on the Kardesh scale, we barely have FTL and are mostly powered by fusion, we currently have no need for this tech
im not talking about production sistems,im talking about Mater anihalation powerplants whit a eficincy of 89 percent.
we got plenty of planets with natural He3 on them, no thanks
ca ,do you want to buy some he3 gemerators?he3 is rare, it the Generators are worth it.
CA expands to more systems and slavages any derilect technology from the Black Hole generator
thank you.