as you can see in the normal S-1 region my explosion AFTERMATH is still able to destroy a system. Imagine it at the explosion peak.
Also what if, just a what if. I create a projectile that explodes like a goddamn blackhole? What if i already made one and used it to destroy several systems?
Tamsih: And it turns out that i harvest the power from a blackhole boohoo
@Koinski Id rather just share the system instead of be eliminated. If we share, we both win
and a giand schip fleet blowing everithing up,is exactly what a troy is desinged to stop.
btw,it depends on how you Blow the sistem up.If Its a giand Energie beam,a troy could move in its way and fire at whats firing it at the sun. f you destroy it whit a Big atack of nukes,azures,or other guidet wapons,a troy class would have a Harder time stoping it,but it would still be posible to stop it.a single tarned very strong wapon,would pass unoticed,If Its tarned good enought and isn't Pasing by any space debris.
but as Redfrogcrab said,ca buying 10 of them was another time.
and thats whitout the cost of Losing schips.
If you would do that,the Sistem would be gone. to Blow Up a troy class completely,it would need more Energie than to Blow Up a star. around 20 exawat Alone for the schields after 5 years of Charge. then over 100 exawat for the Armor. thats more than 500 azures reaching,while confronted by 30000 defensiv projectiles per second,and the defensiv lasers.the estimated cost of Just the amunition to destroy a troy class is so hig,Its in any case a pyruswin.
Tamsih: Yes they may have those, but what if i just blow up the system