This is for all the nationroleplays(if they want to be part of this. You can make your own planet systems/regions if you want. NOTE: This IS NOT THE SAME AS A NATIONWIDE.
not yet
schould i Bring my schips in Position for a coordinates strike?
We dont do any further action, the stealth ships got what they needed and the missiles are on their way
Redfrogcrab: The Npcs respond in fire, damaging one of your ships.
ok. i will save the kew's for leftover enemy schips and orbitall Bombardement.
it'll take them 2 days to get their
nah, 354 high-yeild nuclear-fussion warheads should do the job
schould i launch kew's as help for the misiles?
epic, attack will occur 5 hours after the missiles hit, be ready then
60 5petawat laser firgates (3000 kew's each)are in they'r way.