we own this star system, so get out and stop trying to blow up suns
Kolinski, go blow up another sun, we need that
Redfrogcrab: don't worry. in Case Something Bad hapens whit your star,i could probably gather enought Materials to make you a new one in about 2 years.
That was our agreement yes? I agreed not to touch your planets. Never said anything about the star.
Fear not, we are not here to attack. We will just gather some fuel to get off the planet. Also we said we won't touch your planets. We are here to use your star to build a one shot supernova gun.
luckely the schips are already build and maned,i Just need to Sort and group them. its a Lot of Paperwork,even for a ai.
and Just to be sure,im preparing a troy batle group of over 230 Troy clases,700 SV,and 3000 Independence schips.thats a Lot of time, resurces and work in one giand fleet. around 2 jears of schip construction,3 jears of Mining,70 jears of Crew Training,and 70000 hours of programing for the Schips computers.
If He Breaks it,i have a Lot of schips ready to "inforce Peace in the area".