This is for all the nationroleplays(if they want to be part of this. You can make your own planet systems/regions if you want. NOTE: This IS NOT THE SAME AS A NATIONWIDE.
CA expands territory to all sorts of new suns, even drawing up plans for colonization of s1-2
oh lol
Redfrogcrab: He just yeets people in them lol.
ah, turn all those useful gasses into into water vapor and carbon dioxide
I cast fireball
turns out the gas giants made off methane, oxgy and hydrogyen
I thought crashers were planet-killing super weapons
Redfrogcrab: The Crashers arent that big
The Crasher Has Entered the upper atmosphere in Athener.
but that would mess up the entire solar system, planets and moons thrown off their orbits, rocks being yeeted towards stations and bases