unnallowed: dest bomb infinite heat makers virus vrss vrsg sing clone (can use brakable clone) 100 pixles of gbmb cray dray Difficultys: easy: no max. (bronze) medium: 100 pixles of gbmb (silver) hard: timer of 10 secs (gold) 1 bomb only!
what would you steal in this?
ive seen heac in other walls and bunkers
If its heat resastant then no
Is HEAC cheating ?
also no bomb or dest
id:2827849 welp i used my bomb nuke
if beat hard. u get a shoutout for beating my bunker!
Or if you're lazy, just copy/paste ID:2827256 here. It won't kill it quickly, but it will kill it. The whole thing. Works on medium difficulty since the bomb itself is just one pixel. Just doesn't work quickly.
Step 1: Create empty save. Step 2: Shift-click with NEUT. Step 3: Open console and type !set x neut 100, then type !set y neut 100, then shift-click with neut again. It shouldn't fill up the whole screen this time. Do !set x neut 100 and !set y neut 100 again, then !set temp neut 9999 and !set vy neut 0 and !set vx neut 0. Copy and paste the single pixel neutron bomb and place it next to this bunker. It will be destroyed.