All of the ships created by the ISAA.
oh i forgot BTRY does not conduct to INWR
at least instead of the lasers jamming like the zip22 u can actually rapid-fire this by placing BTRY in the activator button or by holding down SPRK on it.
atleast most of the internal parts aren't for decoration
a zip 22 has more firepower than these ships, and probably works better
lack of function your soul. the lasers work. as well as the engines. reactors are just for show
one way to make this better is to remove the clone qnd make a finite deut tank for the reactor
its not exactly hate its... just that im dissapointed about the over use of clone and lack function
why do u hate corn
Well,i now got Something new to ad to my list of creativ insults.
this is so basic that if you put it in industrial grade acid it would neutralize the acid