This is a list of TPT users who have joined the Rubidian Republic. To join just ask.
can i join my country is run by a corrputsion free company
ok ctm
@EstebanGalindo ok, that is fine, just know that your country will be supervised By the republic and all actions takes have to be approved by us, this is for your own safety.
We have created a nation and we do not intend to attack anyone (including the Rubidian Republic). Besides, we cannot be part of another nation? We created that nation to have one more territory, because Tirania is still part of the Rubidian Republic, so there should be no problem
can i join?
petition for the first 12 members to be named, The Council
@SaintJude1 what?
The Vooperian rebels need a star ship
i am in fact thehullstarr
yes i am