The rules: id:2811687 (Read description) Project society is about simulating a society, anyone is free to join and can ask to join in the comments, upon joining you will get a "Profile page" where your credits, job and more will be stated, have fun!
nvm (too short)
if so il make a cryptocurrency named Omega
can i join
ANNOUNCEMENT:@Kolinski has made a new cryptocurrency "Tunalicious" (TC) You can see available stocks at id:2822565
or more then 2 weeks
also will point out that buying more fancy food like kolinski's pizzas will feed you for 2 weeks instead of 1
by the way it is possible to make food yourself too price depends on what you make
And Kolinski has set up a pizza shop where he sells pizzas for 700 every week
VERY IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT:a new rule has been made, people must eat once a week now and must order this food from player businesses, this can be done manually or you can tell me a place of choice to eat and the food will be bought every week from then.
ANNOUNCEMENT: @connorhatescorn has sold his tile in this area.