The rules: id:2811687 (Read description) Project society is about simulating a society, anyone is free to join and can ask to join in the comments, upon joining you will get a "Profile page" where your credits, job and more will be stated, have fun!
@connorhatescorn i don't really understand the whole government grants thing
@Got_Milk what would you like it to be called
yo, i think it's been 4 weeks
what part of my order do you not understand
Could i start a physics testing company
@connorhatescorn i don't really understand what you mean
@DovahZoriik to do this you will need to buy a tile, which tile would you like to buy?
watch out for the U.S. armed forces @connorhatescorn
use the leftover money from the daily paper to do government research grants so I can buy petroleum miners (will take about 2 weeks to complete the research grants and a week to start drilling)
okay sell my company and all of the paper printers then start a new company named:Koroshiv petrochemicals