The rules: id:2811687 (Read description) Project society is about simulating a society, anyone is free to join and can ask to join in the comments, upon joining you will get a "Profile page" where your credits, job and more will be stated, have fun!
*actually not right now, i will do that next in game week
Announcement: I completely forgot about the seasons again, the year should have actually ended already but i forgot to check lol, instead of just changing the year i will make the season spring right now and act as if we didn't make a huge time jump.
if you understand it then tell me if you want to join again.
@E7leopard just scroll down in the comments, i've explained the game to planty of people before so you should be able to find how it works there.
i would like to join but i still dont understand lol
@Vrigorix Is selling up to 2100kg of iron for 10 credits every kg.
@sam290 Your tile has been added.
heres my tile ID:2845934
@sam290 your factory is o your tile, it is not yet visisble however, not because it does not exist but because you would need to submit your factory (Copy your tile and use elements to build what your factory would look like, save it and send me the id.
Where is my factory?