Originated from NUKEer's design this engine has aloy piston heads, bigger injectors, fixed and upgraded oil system,double fuel opurtunity and open exhaust system.Works with nitr, oil and diesel.Challenge: try to improve more and write id in comments!!
not too bad +1
For RTXman: Its true that it looks very simular but in essenase i have changed and upgraded a lot of things so even thou i have given credi tto NUKEer i think is has change eneough to be considered ym engine :)) (debateable)
bro can you read?
They are very simular
is this a copy of Nuker's engine?
For everyone who asked for a better coolent solution: I couldnt make a better myself but wish someone tries and makes a better one and sends the id so i can add to the creation so i can credit him for the upgrade :)))
For everyone who asked for more efficiency: This is a drag engine which in real life usually lasts for 6 seconds.... ( you can delete the partical out's in the engine above the pistons so i doesnt use as much of fuel)
it works with LRD, but it hardens, I put plutonium and it prevented it
i made it run on molten wax
would be amazing if this had a better cooling system, and also more fuel efficiency, this just drinks gas like an extremely thirsty horse drinking water