Originated from NUKEer's design this engine has aloy piston heads, bigger injectors, fixed and upgraded oil system,double fuel opurtunity and open exhaust system.Works with nitr, oil and diesel.Challenge: try to improve more and write id in comments!!
if you want i have more engines that you can try out.
For Chernobylll: Thanks for the support a lot much love mate <33 (i will be workin gon the battery tomorow i have some ideas thanks again)
For tazo1785: It doesn't matter, I enter "drag" every day to check the engine. And I think all celebrations serve motor
For Everyone: It is truely sad that we couldnt stay anymore in the FP becouse some other low effort saves has been ocupying :///
For Chernobylll: thanks for the idea i will look in too it and try to optimize it :))) Thanks a lot for the first upgrade which is not mine muccchhh love <33333
This is my Engine. ID:2788418 You can optimising the desin.
I can give you the ID at the next hour. Im sooo happy.
as long as there is no electricity is.I hope the instructions have helped you.Unfortunately I cannot create an ID.
This is my 2nd account. I took lithium and put it in a small container at the outlet of the battery there is an E-wall in a circle in the middle of the circle is a vacuum next to it is a pressure sensor that is set to -1 bar when power is applied to the E -wall goes then the sensor stops generating electricity and a line from the battery turns a switch on and when the battery is empty then the sensor generates electricity and turns the switch off the switch prevents the motor from starting