25th Aug 2021
9th Mar 2022
i enjoy modular stuff in this game so i made my own! and maybe i'll make an exemple section so send me some factories, feel free to suggest new parts.enjoy :D .btw do NOT click on the "do not click this" signe, clicking it is punishable by death
pls use something LIKE this ID:2764701 for lith that doesn't create free energy.
"machines" is misspelled
@fella i meant make something out of them. doesn't have to be fully explained.I assumed by wiki you meant a TPT thread with lots text.
also i added a cooler
uh shure? i don't really understand the question
can we use this for builds bc idk how to make that?will give credit ?
this is amazing
oh hi EnganK, it's actually your save that inspired me to do this
Another save about modular factroies? +1
as in a wiki? i am working on it right now!