25th Aug 2021
9th Mar 2022
i enjoy modular stuff in this game so i made my own! and maybe i'll make an exemple section so send me some factories, feel free to suggest new parts.enjoy :D .btw do NOT click on the "do not click this" signe, clicking it is punishable by death
i do want to make smart pipes
i might start to add more pieces soon, so if you have any suggestions unload them now
and can u use other detectors like temp presure and other for turbine
cool i think it can be used for auto refuel my rohhe note:rohe means reactor hight heat energy
sorry for the wait folks!
i have finnaly returned to tpt and finnaly fixed the neutron make so it dosn't explode
i linked cyclopssin's build if you also want to be linked just send the id :D
also i added an xor gate and removed the icons in the and and nor gates
yes i did
i hope u enjoy the distiller