The sunken raft city of Grimsby is home to the Lost Boys, a gang of murderous thieves ruled over by the many watchful eyes of Uncle. The hallways echo with the sounds of dripping water and groaning metal. Whole rooms have been known to implode...
thanks matw
then replace it all with solid variants of stony/rocky materials using console "!set type x y" commands so it keeps its deco layer. If you're making saves that show a very large area of ground then use thinner layers, if you want to show a smaller patch of ground then only use one or two thick layers.
@Mangosss yes actually i do. Look at lots and lots of geography/geology diagrams on google and copy the shapes you see in them. Turn on Sand Effect in the top right corner and slowly build up lots and lots of layers of stne and sand and coal and brmt and slcn and pqrt and really any powder that belongs in the ground and doesn't float to the surface,
wow this is g o o d +1!
I make mine too cartoony
Also sentinal Do you know any tips for terrian drawings as pixel art I cant seem to get hold of it
Mine just went away
oh raft of the lake what is your wisdom
how is this still on FP?? i'm not complaining at all but it's been 4 days! :D