177 / 4
16th Aug 2021
16th Aug 2021
Coolant-based cryogenic refrigerator designed to reach a temperature of 0.04 kelvin (-273.11 C°). It takes approximately 15 minutes to reach the minimum temperature at 60 fps.
refrigerator rfgl refrigerant freezer rfrg cold coolant cryogenic water fast


  • ArolaunTech
    21st Jan 2022
    However, due to how RFGL works, the fluid coming in to the expander needs to be colder than -252C in order to create such low temperatures in the expander. This is where the second heat exchanger comes in. The fluid coming out of the first heat exchanger is fairly cold, and the second heat exchanger uses this to cool down the fluid incoming to the expander, up to that -252C needed in the input to the expander to create the low temps in the sample area.
  • ArolaunTech
    21st Jan 2022
    How this works: This device consists of three heat exchangers (the piles of HEAC and PUMP), an expander, and a compressor. The first system, directly attached to the sample area, has the expander and first heat exchanger. The expander cools the RFGL to near absolute zero by reducing the pressure, and the heat exchanger takes heat from the sample area and puts it in the refrigerant, ready to be dumped.
  • ArolaunTech
    21st Jan 2022
    thanks for proving to me that cyrocoolers can already be made in tpt
  • Oofer
    12th Oct 2021
    amazing work
  • Wierdguyonatable
    22nd Aug 2021
    wew its 'cool' like cold you get it yeah not funny
  • miner_sd
    21st Aug 2021
    it also works in an air cooled configuration if you turn on ambient heat and remove the water clone pixels
  • Xyz
    21st Aug 2021
    Sets the FPS cap of TPT
  • GodOfChaos
    21st Aug 2021
    what fpscap does?
  • serg_sel
    21st Aug 2021
    use tpt.setfpscap(2) to have smallest temperature in around a minute on a 200 fps
  • Furry_02
    20th Aug 2021
    Hey, it works like an AC!