Use grid size 4. Acid resistant pipes are to be used only at inlets and outlets. Heat Exchanger and Heater dont have descriptions cause they are universal.
can you make a cross merger with one output
I will look into that tomorrow
can you make this tipe of pipe flow? The itens would flow better inside your pipes id:129920 If it would be too hard to change everything, there's no problem
I will add that tomorrow
could you try some sort of steam turbine? we could distile water, then boil it with the heater then we just need some kind of paarticle-power converter to finish our power plants
IZOS generator is done. Its a bit bulky cause it kept leaking neutrons :P
Thanks @EnganK
@Maticzpl: I made ISOZ factory in id:2680072. You can just place glass between STOR and reaction chamber.
@ae15 ISOZ factory will be hard. Since acid destroys STOR so there isnt an easy way to separate them. I will try making it later
Legoer333 fixed now