Rubidianlabs: okay for the prices you can check the saves, they are all tagged
@Jayreeme i'll take 25 of each type of kairsenite, and because of the high price of the irradiators i'll buy only 10 irradiators. (Same as one of my previous comments because it's the wrong @)
Tamsih: but why? planet erasing neon irradiation superweapon?
@PigLover5 first off, this is supposed to be a short summarry, second off, having one nation would be boring, having multiple is a lot more fun for rp, if you think this is bad, i can't change your mind, but this comment is just to state my opinion on your comment.
@JonaHungary i'll take 25 of each type of kairsenite, and because of the high price of the irradiators i'll buy only 10 irradiators.
maybe just like one republic on the powder toy so there's no conflict than only everyone uses One Republic
60 Minute a can be summed up in basically few letters annoying
Rubidianlabs: that will be 77500, and kairsenite which type? (check saves for types) and amount (plate, bar), now irradiators are 148k, due to them liquifying about everything
Rubidianlabs: okay lemme put the tags
i want to give them to you for free. and the worse acronym for the grle would be:p.e.n.i.s