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but only the bar does this
Rubidianlabs: careful, arsonite melts things around it and might just be an infinite thermal energy source
also the irradiator liquifying things is tpt mobile only, so I'll give you 30
Tamsih: too much of a threat then, but still, wouldn't that kill you as well?
an anology to how it functions:Take a calculator,make it calculate 4times 1,and then make it calculate the answer whit the answer again and again and agian infinit times,and the end number is the amount of Energy Released.its Overkill.but Its so much Overkill,that there would be No one left that could think about how much Overkill it is.
jayreeme the grle is Not a planet destroying Thing . you know that tpt has difrent universes. the grle is powerful enought to destroy an entire universe, by riping reality itself apart and turning everithing into a Rift into another universe, basicly making one universe and everithing in it completel, disaper.
the biggest problem of making those saves is people don't acknowledge that they're ment to be breakable without stuff like sing or dray and dislike it
also, we do not want any phyrinite, we will take 25 more arsonite instead, we will try to smelt it into phyrinite ourselves.
@Jayreeme ok, by the way, i want 25 plates of each type, not bars or whatever
Rubidianlabs: irradiators will be 59200