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that was tried once. the planet is still uninhabitable.
Tamsih: uhm why don't u use those times traveling missiles infinitely to see how it was built? because, technically 15 minutes before it was launched it was still there and you went back 15 minutes
also, If you want to know the meaning of the other wapon tipes im giving you,kew means kinetic energy wapon,trm means time revert misile that cann Turn Back time 15 minutes,plc means planet cracher it just is a very strong kew whit a neutronium frame.
how i got Something like the grle?my predecesor build it. He took the Secret how He did it to the grave. i cann tell you names and functions,and how it realy works and how to use gravity lenses,but i cann summ it up whit this:it was build whit Something i don't know how to make,it uses the Materials around it to get Its powers,and you would need a gravity generator of the sice of a star to even cut the conections betwen the lenses.
@Loiosh42 uhh sure, tell me more about it i guess.
Could I interest you in a planet breaker? (video transsmision, shady alley, trench coat + accent)
@Tamsih i will try to destroy the GRLE, by the way, how did you get the bomb? Something that powerful would surely be impossible to obtain.
Tamsih: open up an iPhone 308 and load an irradiator onto it and it melts probably
thats one of the Problems. to destroy it you would need another gravity lense,and the only other that is still working,is Not going anywhere. what do you think why i Didnt destroy it already?i tried. i literaly fired 666 deathrays that are strong enought to destroy Stars at it. the only thing that cann destroy a gravity lense,is a gravity lense. and the only other gravity lense that was ever created is Not going anywhere.i destroyed the activation Software,but thats all i could do.
Rubidianlabs: anyway wanna destroy girly so so e random spy doesn't activate it and we don't all die