Current leader: Me :P Disable the Hud (Press H) for the best view. When making something for the Rubidian Republic, make sure to add the tag "Rubidia" to your simulation To join just ask and you will be added to the members list at id:2823211
01:03 5%battery time WIB
Rubidianlabs: we are sending it.
@Jayreeme yes, i would like to help you test it, we have very secure testing grounds where we can do so, you may send us samples for testing.
Rubidianlabs: we are testing electite, if you want to help us test it we can give you 5 samples
@Deuteactormadness what is the TCSP?
TCSP wanna establish mutual contact
@micque yes, there is a sign limit, i barely just managed to sneak enough info into the signs.
HOW did u place THAT MANY signs like... isnt there a max?
Tamsih: hm *drops a single piece of bomb (element) on it and it is destroyed* (not canon)
they are expensiv,and realy strangely react to paradox actions.