Current leader: Me :P Disable the Hud (Press H) for the best view. When making something for the Rubidian Republic, make sure to add the tag "Rubidia" to your simulation To join just ask and you will be added to the members list at id:2823211
not in a rude way, but you either join me, or face the consequences of my attack
@youpro well please join me or die
100 galactics far away
youprogalactic,YouNations. industrial planet than have many helium hydrogen oxyg and plut
@Youpro i'm not going to buy nukes from you after you use them to try kill millions of my people.
Could you also please state what your nation is and some details about it? If you declare war i must know who i am dealing with.
and i sell it
oh i made new hypersonic nukes than move on high speed (12Galactics/hour)
@youpro and then you offer to sell me nukes? Doesn't make sense but ok, oh and also, whatever nukes you sent didn't work, we have defenses agains those
i launched missiles on you