Current leader: Me :P Disable the Hud (Press H) for the best view. When making something for the Rubidian Republic, make sure to add the tag "Rubidia" to your simulation To join just ask and you will be added to the members list at id:2823211
If you need anything else,Just ask.
good. the gates will prove helpfull . we would make like to buy Thre things: Materials from the Platin group, osmium,and berilium.for it the empire would give you: neutronium, and relik(the money in of the knarock Empire wich you cann use to buy schips)he3(a very eficient fuel)and fulerene.(a very eficient Armor)
@Tamsih, sure, we can trade, you can set up a few gates around our galaxy too
@Proxy303, i am nor pro-vooperia, not anti-vooperia, i am on neutral relations with them and have a neutral opinion on them
all alright just rocket launcher glitch
@RubidianLabs We have just been contacted by the Vooperian Empire. They are wondering if I have any drone systems for them. But firstly, they ask: Are you pro- or anti- vooperia?
If they Go to arltas 6a they aren't nuklear misiles and they are fired by me. but in any other Case, have no Not clasified information about any nuklear aktivitys that aren't oficial. but the knarock Empire isn't very activ in that are so what do i know?
@RubidianLabs @youpro FlashBack Corporation SENTINEL drones have detected nuclear missiles passing through the area. Is everything alright here?
the knarock Empire would Like some trade Relations . and we would Like to install sistem gates in your space .
take free ship ID:2812496