Current leader: Me :P Disable the Hud (Press H) for the best view. When making something for the Rubidian Republic, make sure to add the tag "Rubidia" to your simulation To join just ask and you will be added to the members list at id:2823211
i could Provide you whit kew's. kinetic energy wapons. they are basicly nukes ,but whitout Radiation,and they do more real damage,are beter for Planetary Bombardement,and penetrating protectiv sistems.
Rubidianlabs: okay, id:2830639 it'll be 600000. For more info, its better at close range and can destroy multiple ships if in the middle
@Jayreeme i will buy 1000 of the bombs.
oh also, an idea for a ship, its sturdy and quick, able to self destruct and distribute information quickly. but lacks direct firepower and isn't very good at maneuvering
Rubidianlabs: these are superheated bombs 5hat induce extremely high pressures, dealing major damage to the strongest spaceships. Though, it comes at a price. 600 credits each
@Jayreeme ok, tell me more
Rubidianlabs: I can sell a few bombs to you
consumes, melts*
imagine someone happens to sell a reality altering bomb that consum3s and nests everything to the Rubidian Republic,