12 / 2
26th Jul 2021
20th Nov 2022
The retriever class is a small ship designed to be part of strike teams to destroy greater ships and catch the enemy off-guard, however due to it's amazing navigtional systems it is often used in big fleets to coordinate attacks.
space ship rubidia


  • Tamsih
    14th Jan 2022
    anithing else you want to buy? i have everithing in Giga sale.there are Upgrades for the troy hull,other schips,schilds, wapons, Equipment, construction sistems,all on sale for a rediculusly Low price.
  • Tamsih
    14th Jan 2022
    the troy classes arived. thank you for offering help,and thank you for your purchase.
  • Tamsih
    14th Jan 2022
    the only thing that we need at the Moment would be star maps. we plan on going to our former sistems and salvage whats left.
  • Tamsih
    14th Jan 2022
    you don't need to help, because there is nothing you could help whit. the dead people will Not just come back. everithing we lost is unrecoverable.
  • Tamsih
    14th Jan 2022
    knarocks Population droped fromm 900000000 people to 90000. the schip they now live in Bad enought Material colection sistems. and we cann replace the workers whit Robots. we have enought Materials and everithing ie already build we need. but there is to les people, and a lot of Money just got transfered to a few milion people.everione of them is now a trilionare. thats why the relik droped in worth.
  • Rubidianlabs
    14th Jan 2022
    In that case, instead of giving more money i'll just send over some people to help build stuff while your economy recovers, we'll also send some resources to help you out.
  • Tamsih
    13th Jan 2022
    the Economy is Not doing well because of a masiv Inflation caused by the los of 99,9 percent of the Empire. so,more Money makes it worse. thank you for the offer. i will Just have to wait untill the relik stabilises as curency again and the rebuild the Economy.
  • Rubidianlabs
    13th Jan 2022
    @Tamsih you can put them at the center of our home galaxy, also, seen as your economy is not doing very well i will give you 1000000 more Rubidian Credits to help you out.
  • Tamsih
    13th Jan 2022
    and you cann buy upgrades for them as well. These are basic troy class schips,very efectiv,but there is Constantly new Equipment being developed.
  • Tamsih
    13th Jan 2022
    they will be suplyed whit he3 fuel for 1 year,after that you have to Take Care of the fuel jurself.