24th Apr 2021
24th Apr 2021
This program for the R2 emulates an 8-bit Z80 CPU. It easily fits into the memory of the 2K version, with 512 bytes available for the Z80, but larger external ROMs/RAMs can be added. Source code available at: https://github.com/csavas03/R2_Z80-emulator
i have nomidea what this is or whag tpt science this is
6502 emulation when :LULW: +1
how to use?
A computer running tpt which is running tpt which is running minecraft
tpt in tpt 0_0
someday there will be a day where we will run minecraft on tpt
how to simulate dust. 1. cover computer in dust. 2021-04-27 The dust incident
james177: Or how about Minceraft? Surely would be possible, considering it's, to simply put it, downgraded Minecraft...jk
WOW I realy feel future is here right now
So cool