22 / 10
24th Mar 2021
24th Mar 2021
A list of reasons to be happy, let people be happy and have fun! Join FPFE where everyone can have their fame!
supramepoops fpfegood


  • peacefrog
    25th Mar 2021
    Let people have a short time in the limelight!
  • peacefrog
    25th Mar 2021
    I say, more than five minutes on FP for an OK save, then you can -1. More than 2 mins on FP for a terrible save, then -1.
  • peacefrog
    25th Mar 2021
    It doesen't hurt you to have a bad FP for a sec and have someone being happy! So just let them be happy! Don't harrass them like OMG THIS IS TERRIBLE GET IT OFF FP IT HAS NO EFFORT GET IT OFF, just let it be on for a sec!
  • peacefrog
    25th Mar 2021
    But let them be on FP for like 5 minutes. Five minutes isn't too much to ask? And that time will make someone's day! Just dont +1 or -1 it! Only do that if its really low effort and has over 4 overall score. Then that would keep it on for too long. But if its just like 3 score then let it on for a short time.
  • peacefrog
    25th Mar 2021
    People don't understand where i'm coming from in this argument. I don't mean everyone should be on FP all the time, I think, if they get on FP, let them be on FP don't -1 their save and say "why is this on fp -1 get this off fp" If it's bad like say a spinning sand circle, not many people will +1 it. If it it getting like 100 overall score, then -1 it.
  • bryiscool
    24th Mar 2021
    im pretty sure my first fp was a ball of sponge with life modifyed to be super high instead of all the good saves i had made
  • Laminat09
    24th Mar 2021
    @TimeSan getting to FP is a joy because it's a reward for effort. Without a struggle there would be no joy.
  • ratio1
    24th Mar 2021
    Over 155 comments
  • Aaron_Is_Here
    24th Mar 2021
    @jacob1 really thx
  • SirLeaf
    24th Mar 2021
    Get ready, Jacob. It's a long read...