Credit To Coffee For The Map
the battleship and destroyers bombard the shore with shells to fend of the defending troops. filipino soldiers that has spanish modern military equipment
japan accepts the supplys and sends the fleet to support philippine take over
Germany Released A Fleet Of 3 Destroyers And Batttleship Bayern (Shchrieder Class Dreadnought) To Japan Along With Some Cargo Vesseels To Send Supplies
ok wait nvm
oof sorry for late ill answer tomorow bc 2% batterh lol
blues turn,a convoy consisting of 4 dreadnoughts move towards gibralter and a meidium force of paratroopers land in hawaii
also i dont think we have any active players on the blue side so ill do blue also
my troops in korea will push futher in wards to the boarder of china
my enganeers will be reaserching dreadnoughts since japan did not have any in 1901
my next move is to island hop in the philippines untill it is taken