Not at all accurate. It resembles an RMBK reactor it but it functions differently. but it uses the same concept. Doesnt even use control rods. (SPELLING MISTAKE!! MEANT URAN NOT PLUT!!)
You need to monitor the pressure and keep a steady supply of water. the emergency cooling is there if things are about to go haywire.
Nvm, I think it is me being bad with pressure control.
The ground heats up and melts.
I believed the issue is fix. Make sure to not heat up the core too much or else the emergency cooldown will become unusable.
I know im fixing that.
nscn doesn't transfer to pscn, you need to remove the pscn in the nscn buttons otherwise it won't work
Apologies if the telephone pole and the tree look awful. I'm not an artist by any stretch.
After activating it of course.
I recommend turning the pressure off quickly to avoid a meltdown