232 / 4
30th Nov 2020
11th Aug 2022
I can't believe they have no space fleet at all... Hmm... Looks easy to conquer...
city buildings futuristic resistant strong cozy scifi beautiful


  • Aakash_Gangisetty
    30th Nov 2020
    How many years did it take to build this city with this detail???? Insta up vote +1
    30th Nov 2020
    there is actually a connection, there are 2 platforms dividing 3 sections, in the lower one there are reactors and storage, in the second one, it looks like a trade center(idk) and on the top there are buildings where the people live, so there all have some sort of connection, don't be bad at him, this must have tooken DAYS to make
  • TiredTech
    30th Nov 2020
    And finally, welcome back to TPT after a nearly two year absense from posting. You certainly have a grand entrance.
  • TiredTech
    30th Nov 2020
    I hope to see how your next one becomes an improvment over this one. Because this is just great. Plus, it seems to be the second (or is it third...) time making a building type save. I hope you stay around because I really like this work.
  • TiredTech
    30th Nov 2020
    What I mean is, when you look at this, what is it? I see many different things, and each one had incredible detail, and yet not one of them has a connection to any other thing around them. What the top voted save had that this doesn't, is a feeling of size. There you could see how the underground directly interacted with the above ground. There you had a focal point (The metro). There you could actually believe that what you were looking at was just a snippet into another world.
  • TiredTech
    30th Nov 2020
    This is probably the most packed I've seen a futuristic city be. It also wins my respect for the incredible detail. Honestly, in terms of the accumalitive quality of individual parts, your city probably better than the top voted save in TPT. While the attention to each parts detail is amazing, the one thing this really lacked is a cohesivness that tied what you saw into a story.
  • Chaka
    30th Nov 2020
  • Chaka
    30th Nov 2020