61 / 5
12th Nov 2020
12th Nov 2020
A short range convoy space cruiser and coloniser. Designed to survive reentry and land in water, but has a shuttle if needed. Fast, maneuverable, and heavily armored on the bottom, she may be small, but she is not to be reckoned with.
future explosion cruiser ship spaceship battle deut seekez


  • Zepheruni
    14th Nov 2020
    Update what?
  • The_TheoGaming104
    14th Nov 2020
    Hey can u update it?
  • Zepheruni
    13th Nov 2020
    thank you seekez so much!
  • FoxGames
    13th Nov 2020
    Gandon class escort cruiser
  • Seekez
    13th Nov 2020
    I think you are all right. I might have reacted a little too childish. Only this is the first time that someone else took over my concept so precisely so it was a bit difficult for me to see. Have a nice day everyone and keep making those spaceships! :)
  • ScarredStraight
    13th Nov 2020
    Furthermore, everyone in this save is talking about how it's "inspired" by your work. It's definitely inspired. But an exact replica? no. Close enough to make north korea point a missile? Yes. But it's not close enough to call it theft.
  • ScarredStraight
    13th Nov 2020
    Pineapple is right. as much as I love and respect your ships Seekez, you didn't INVENT the concept of a space ship. Yes there are glaring similarities, but at the end of the day, it's like saying pepsi is an illegal clone of coca cola just because they're both soda. It just doesnt make sense for you to call it "your" idea.
  • Zepheruni
    13th Nov 2020
    The reason I made mine so similar was because I enjoyed copying and pasting different ships and having battles with each other. I wanted to make my own similar style and share that.
  • MrPineapple
    13th Nov 2020
    Not trying to be annoying so please don't hate me for saying that.
  • MrPineapple
    13th Nov 2020
    You can't copyright an idea