I decided to make a FRP. If you want to join, comment the save ID of a save with a flag, and faction information. A 3x3 or 5x5 icon of your flag would be a nice thing to add, or I'll make one.
DovahZoriik: Perhaps you should send a science vessel to the system with intelligent life in it.
Irrigation Research: Complete. Researching: Non-Enviroment-Damaging Pesticides
And also perhaps announce the name of that other person who joined yesterday. The guy in the top right corner. he might not know he has a place.
Ok. I shall now establish another mining colony on another of the mining target world's. I shall also establish a colony on the other habitable world in my home system.
Per-day, you will gather 1 billion clones per facility.
The first testing process has ended, and is successful. Your facilities are place on one of the home planet's moons to avoid the disturbance of the public.
I shall now begin the development of industrial cloning technologies. These will take the form of massive facilities that produce new people at a faster rate based on a specific genetic template. These facilities will perfectly monitor the conditions the entity develops in to ensure the best possible child is born. The child will then be placed in a communal raising centre.
I made a savewhere you can submit a save concerning an action you would like more detailed. I can then comment on the save you sent me, responding to actions. This is optional, in case you need more exposition.
They claim that the galaxy is underpopulated, as they have not seen any sign of other lifeforms up until now. Scientists were delighted to find others whom are advanced in technology. Suggestions from the creatures include exchange of gravity technology for a trade rout with your people.
Greet the scientists. Don environmental suits to ensure that they are unable to discern the appearance of my people. Once communications are established begin conversation with them and ask as to why they have invited us to their space. Ask if they would be interested in giving us scientific data in exchange for material resources from our mining colony.