CONTAINMENT: SCP-774 to 774-1 containment //SCP-774 is to be kept in a 12in by 12in box made out of multiple layers of tungsten and titanium to two inches thick. After the box is shut the SCP must **NEVER** be looked at by **ANY** living for or else it will turn into SCP-774-1 and infect the living form.//
SCP-774 is a substance that disguises itself as mold. The first form,SCP-774 primarily spreads via spores(tiny seeds) to infect its primary target, food. This form was classified as "Euclid". SCP-774-1 is a white corrosive slime. It is impossible to kill in this form, and it will only turn back into SCP-774 after infecting a living being. It cannot corrode metal.
months* anyway can i do it?
i am a scp writer(a new one- 2 monts)
imma write an scp abt this
If they coulf fly, that would be total destruction and chaos
ExoticMaps Me too, although it could be because on average this game's players individually last longer than most other games, therefore despite the slow trickle of new players per anum - equally as few are lost.
waterphage is banned too, PLEASE EXPLAIN THAT
Vamp, look who's speaking. I find that rather ironic.