That is the end of my full-length novel. That you, if you read this far (i'm sorry I don't wanna get reported for spam)
In reality, yes, there is a desparity between good content creators and the people who just upvote memes all day, but it would be better to have discussion, imo, and not get mad about any of it.
In my opinion, getting overly passionate about not receiving recognition for a save does not do a service that what I just wrote a 15 page essay about (I get it if you tl;dr'd me). It allows the opponents of what we're both pushing for to target strawmen and say that we, who just want a productive, intelligent -- and kind -- community, are all crybabies that do NOTHING but complain.
If you actually think about it, that concept is not that hard or complicated when employed properly; it's a matter of encouragement and being creative. If we teach each other these principles (new users or people who really wanna make stuff) we can have a community that generally produces nice content and is generally nice to one another. At that, we learn from each other to grow our b r a i n s.
We should encourage (but not force) people to make interesting stuff that strikes some balance between being visually appealing, productive in one way or another, and/or showcases at least is a little bit interesting from a technical stand-point.
In essence, there is really no balance between people who make very good and interesting content, showcasing not just stuff people do not understand, but things that are an example of what people can be and ARE capable of. People who chalk up crybabies that complain about not getting upvotes to everyone else that does not get the opportunity for the community to fairly review their content are either ignorant (in just this case) or aliens form another planet.
The same cannot be said for things that are genuinely interesting or actually 'cool' (by some merits). Saves like this does not showcase much but a few kinda funny and somewhat true examples of satire about the TPT community. But my point is that people often don't see past things they might for a moment be interested in, disabling them from looking at saves like the ones you, Vamp, have shown them in the comments.
I'm not making a case for begging for votes or attention (it wouldn't make sense for 'some people' to conflate that with what I'm saying) as the principles I am (and will be) explaining would infact argue AGAINST it. You see, people are far too interested in passively coming across something they would agree with or find, for the moment they see it, pleasing.
As I said, I agree because people go through a certain mindset: that is, they don't believe they have to take 'certain things' seriously all the time. However, I find this partially ridiculous because it has often come at the cost of forgetting to recognize saves for the time and effort put into them.
@vampireax, I agree with you, but opted not to say anything (I know the premise of the SAVE is satire, but this wall of text'll be for the sake of the conversation) because people are too immature to understand simple principles of posting content which, ideally, would be reviewed by the community (they only go so far as to say that you're "bitching" for lack of anything productive to say).