14th Apr 2020
24th Apr 2020
This is a continuation of the Kingdom Game set on another world. State your name, race and where you want to start if you want to join.
You extend and offer to soap. It is their choice to make. The divine entity that governs all of the other light gods has chosen you people to be his divine instruments upon this world. He has chosen your people as a result of your worship of him. You are able to use magic from parts of the light group but never any of the more advanced spells from subgroups.
make allies with soap
the divine entity of light magic
A school to teach people how to fight more effectively has been made. Part of the fort has been made into a medical room allowing healers to heal the sick or injured as best they can.
void that comment.
Also a small school has been built outside of the walls. it will teach basics to children.
What do you want the shrine to worship?
build a shrine and use light magic to grow trees nd make more houses with them
Soapwurmskill909: A house and a farm have been built but due to limitations in the amount of wood you have only one of each could be built .
Also light magic is derived from worship of a divine entity so you should build a shrine to worship them. You can choose what to worship but that will determine what youll be able to do.