29th Oct 2019
15th May 2020
Research, trade, explore. Ect. Choose a place to start and a race.
Watboi1: It is 100 to 150 years.
What is the average lifespan of your species?
Also the crystals form when an area is exposed to lots of magical energy.
Watboi1: Yeah, my species' aclimation temp is about 35 degrees and for them to thrive is about 45 degrees
Also I'm eventually going to add more islands, a underwater map and a underground map.
Ok. Though the swamps may be to cold for your species to stay in for a prolonged period of time.
Watboi1: my species have adapted to live on land and in water and t process volcanic ash through thier lungs/gills
Certain terrains will be for certain races and will have different benefits. Swamps for example will make it more difficult to attack and easier to defend, it will also be more difficult to live and move in unless your species is adapted to live their.
Oooo ok
I have added jungles to my island.