11 / 3
29th Oct 2019
15th May 2020
Research, trade, explore. Ect. Choose a place to start and a race.


  • Watboi1
    30th Apr 2020
    The Elves have invented the wheel. This has allowed for faster transportation of resources and a boom in the Elven population growth. The High King has now implemented a selective breeding g program to ensure only the smartest strongest and most attractive elves are allowed to propagate. Those who fail to fall into all categories then they will be banished from the island and sterilised.
  • Watboi1
    30th Apr 2020
    Summer has begun. The next 30 years will bring bountiful harvests to those who have agriculture. Creatures of Ice will suffer during this time. Fire creatures will be stronger.
  • Watboi1
    30th Apr 2020
    You manage to kill several Jotunn who die from the small blast but the vast majority do not care.
  • AtomicX
    30th Apr 2020
    Blast obsidian fragments out of the volcano at high pressure towards the jontunns.
  • AtomicX
    30th Apr 2020
    ok well heat up the water so they cant advance any further
  • Watboi1
    30th Apr 2020
    The brigade is already cut of.
  • AtomicX
    30th Apr 2020
    ok that is fine. just breed more dragons and make a fire to cut off the bridge
  • Watboi1
    30th Apr 2020
    His attack is justified due to your repeated incursions despite knowing of the Jotunn aggressive tendencies.
  • Watboi1
    30th Apr 2020
    Dont just run away when vampireax tries to attack you after you destroyed his capital.
  • AtomicX
    30th Apr 2020
    I might leave this soon. It is just a massive endless war. A warning. I will go out with a bang if I do.