Just say +R(name) or -R(name) or for example -2R(name). For relation points, just say +Full(name) or -War(name) for instant cross or tick!
but yes, I will declare war!
Zeroz: I love how you used to tell me, that I would get an embargo, but now we have to War!
@Supercrafter please, declare war to Gamers4
Zeroz: yeah, stop gamers4, stop the war with potatomilk.
I declare war to Gamers4, I hope the IPTA members support me.
Today is the day when the IPTA intervenes, now I am very busy, so it will be a little later.
You have 1 day for answer now.
You have 2 days for answer now.
gamers4: what's your planet? (Sent from ?????? )
I am sending an ultimatum to Potatomilk and Gamers4, you must end the conflict, otherwise IPTA will enter this war. If within three days there is no answer to this ultimatum, then we will begin to act. (date of mesage: 10.24.19)