NPC2: could you make a small laser with temp settings? I would like that for testing purposes....... ;-);-);-);-);-)
I might try to make my own too. I will look into the variations of Gen2 mjolnir in particular, such as the Dynast, Cinder, Hazops, Helioskrill, Cio, etc.
hmmm i made a rough draft of mjolnir mark v armor.
i have compleated the hazmat suit
Remember that while gold is acid proof, it must be 2px thick to be truly effective.
im going to try make a hazmat suit for it
It sure is what it says on the label, that's at least certain.
I'm going to do a full test tomorrow.
the basic amour is..... basic amour, but my laser sprays photons, so I don't have a full conclusion yet