Smaller than hioo- unicellular's.
Is it allowed for the reactor to run only in Off Gravity mode?
Count me in
And this is copy of my concept, BTW. You lose.
Still stable reactor can't be smaller than mine one. Unstable can-t be smaller than 2 px
SonicSawblade: the sun is a fusion reactor
well its layered with uran?
And the reactor war resulted in some interesting tech like a 2px reactor by which i won the war. Just like IRL, useful tech is made during wars.
BTRY is not a reactor, it's a SPRK generator. Task failed successfully.
Oh God... People missed the point of this save entirely. It's satire on the reactor miniaturization war afflicting TPT. "nobody said it had to exist" is such an obvious joke, it's a wonder anyone missed it.
my favorite nuclear reactor is still the Sun