Why the counter of tech points stay on -? Expanding to the west, make galley, reseacrch writing, if it real. And i want to add mathematics, cartography, education and bronze working to queue.
@NuttyMcNuttzz You can't research two technologies at the same time. You can, however, queue technologies.
I f I can I will research horse riding and construction at the same time and expand South and North
i expand West along the coast
Ok. Expanding to the south lakes. Research navigation, if it need. If not, research writing. Make galley
Researching wheel and moving northwards
@sergik2006 I'm letting you have everything south of the lakes. Border in grey.
@NuttyMcNuttz You don't need to build anything to harvest resources.
Kruto konechno, no kak on atakuet menya?