It's open! To join, comment in the Players secion your nation and coords. You can't choose your name or colour. DECO ON
Place University at X:122 Y:223
Also,I'll queue writing
I'll expand to the southwest and send a galley to claim nearby islands
@sergik2006, boiidkmyname You can build Universities to research science faster.
@NonStopWarrior You hava already researched bronze working.
@sergik2006 Your claims overlap with NACEOD's. You need to negotiate a border. Also, you need Mathematics to sail outside of coastal waters (which you need to do if you want to get to eastern Avalon the short way).
i build a city at my most Western position
I research sailing and queue navigation
And add iron working to queue.
Researching writing, if it not included in queue. Expand east and make trireme.