It's open! To join, comment in the Players secion your nation and coords. You can't choose your name or colour. DECO ON
I'll start as Korea in X:310 Y:285
Expand on Utopia, Cascadia and Mesoceania. Place another university next to city on Utopia
Place university next to city on Utopia
Expand on Cascadia, Utopia and Mesoceania
@Everyone The first sattelite image of Tellurium has been taken! All land has been revealed!
@Sunny17431 No, you can join. Choose somewhere visible on the map (not the black - that's terra incognita) to join and your nation from the Nations page.
i expand ane build a caravel
Is it too late to join?
Expand on Utopia, Mesoceania and Cascadia. Place university next to new city
I have launched the first sattelite into space. Check out the Solar System map for mare!