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I build a barrack
How to get electronic components for some units? Expand on Utopia, Cascadia and Mesoceania, research computers
I research agriculture :)
Also what do science points do
How do i gather resources?
Build spaceport next to city on Utopia, expand on Cascadia, Utopia and Mesoceania
@sergik2006 You have researched Rocketry. You can now build a Speaceport and launch space units into space!
Expand on Cascadia, Utopia and Mesoceania, place university next to city at Utopia
@ Tip: Research Agriculture, then Writing to build a university.
@Sunny17431 Choose a starting technology from the Tech Tree to research. As a late starter, I'm giving you +1 science until you build your first university, and +1 science on all University Is.