Post your bomb id in the comments. Make your own bomb and the most powerful wins! The contest ends a week from today, on May 6th.
Gosh dammit, I thought you said I "firmly cemented" myself in third place! I guess not R.I.P
platinumvoid77: IKR
Also, LandonM and gamer4, your trophies are there for you to use
I am ending this contest early, since I am receiving bad comments. FATALITY, what do you want as your award?
this sucks -108947084576074634876983765847645867596759645867377602937469468347369460459623968869346
this challenge sucks and is unfair scoring system
Thanks for the compliment, but I think we're all on the same footing here. We all win some and lose some. Good work creating, we're all a work in progress and learn from one another.
i bet you are just freinds with FATALITY and want no one else to win.
i dont understand why my score is so low, my bomb could go through wall and diamond and completly obliderates any map in secconds, this challenge sucks
Dude... Are you serios? Only 96 for bomb that is like 2 - 10 times more penetrating than others? Why SO low? Because of the size? Or because it generates vacuum?